CROSS THE BORDER T-shirt with Border Terrier
Original designed T shirt of Shiteki na Sigoto

Shiteki na Shigoto Original T-shirt #02
with Border Terrier
My studio “Shiteki-na-Shigoto” will be one of very unique studio having two main works—writing poems and graphic design. I have been making the original t-shirt of my studio every year with using the sense of poetry and the skill of graphic design. In 2015, I made second design of t-shirt in the motif of one dog, Border Terrier.

Originally, Border Terrier was started to keep for fox hunting in the Scottish Borders where is the border area between Scotland and England. The dog is originally full of curiosity, charming and friendly but he goes on its own pace and doesn’t meddle in other people’s affairs.

for women’s

for men’s

each structure of the garment neckline
left: men’s — right: women’s
I wrote one message “WE LIVE IN THE BORDERFUL WORLD, BUT BORDER CROSSES THE BORDER WITH EASE” with a motif of such a character of him. This t-shirt is formed of a thick and durable cloth and loose-fitting size to cross several borders or stereotypes.
そんな彼ら特有の性格を「WE LIVE IN THE BORDERFUL WORLD, BUT BORDER CROSSES THE BORDER WITH EASE(ぼくらの世界は境界ばかりだけど、ボーダーテリアはそんなのいとも簡単に越えていっちゃうぜ)」というメッセージにのせて、プリント。メッセージのように、タフな障壁や固定観念を飛び越えてゆけるよう、生地は厚手に、そのぶん風通しをよくするためにゆったりとした着心地のワンサイズのみ生産。

By the way, my studio’s mascot dog is Border Terrier. His name is Loch, it means lake in Gaelic which is an old language in Scotland.