READING PARTY "Poems and Sweets"
READING PARTY "Poems and Sweets"
date: 3rd November 2013
location: uta no tane, Tokushima, Japan
The reading party “Poems and Sweets”
date: 3rd November 2013
location: a books & art goods store “uta no tane”, Tokushima

The reading party “Poems and Sweets” was held at a books & art goods store “uta no tane” in Tokushima, on the 3rd of November 2013. There were a little over 10 attendances. All of them live in Tokushima, and of course, I met with them for the first time. It would be the first time for many of the attendances to listen to poetry. I read 12 poems with new one what I wrote for the party. They seemed to be enjoying my poems, because they raised their smiles or listened with closed eyes. It was so delight for me. I appreciate the fact that they have joined the night. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to the store’s owner, Kanako Mori. The party wouldn’t be a great success without her organization and help. If possible, I would like to go to Tokushima again and hold my solo recital again.